Brain Computer Interface Research Project(BCI)

Welcome To Brain Computer Interface Research Project (BCI)


Day 10 -

Thanks to 7PointGroup Company I was able to get EMOTIV Insight (A prosumer 5 channel mobile EEG used by engaged individuals seeking better understanding of their brains and mental states.) EMOTIV Insight For a better results I will need to get EMOTIV Epoc+(A hi-resolution 14 channel mobile EEG used for contextualized scientific research grade results.) but since lackness of founds I will have to continue working with Emotiv Insight until I get the Chance to buy the actual equipmnets. As a start I went to the Emotiv Webpage and had to download EMOTIV Control Panel (Get to know your Emotiv EEG headsets. Xavier Control Panel provides users with access to each of the detection suites available: Facial expressions , Performance Metrics, Mental Commands.) ,which is provided for free for the users.Later, I will have to buy EMOTIV Pureā€¢EEG Raw EEG Software*** and Emotiv 3d Brain map but, for now I will stick with the Emotiv Control panel. Secondly I opened a Emotiv ID so I can keep track of the data recorded from different people.Today Played a little bit with the device and the software and tried to learn some mental commands.

Initialy I started with the ***Left & Right*** commands, but it takes some times to recognize the commands because first the device gets your data for the certain actions(mental commands ) , then it applies that command. That's why we need many trials for the same command.

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