Brain Computer Interface
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About Us

“If you vision it, you can Dream about it .If you dream about it you can make it happen. If you make it happen, You can succeed it “(Geraldo Braho)

My name is Geraldo Braho and currently pursuing a bachelor degree in Computer Science at North American University in Houston, Texas. I m a senior and my major is Software Engineering and my minor is Network Engineering. Recently I started reading about BCI and after finding interesting facts and understand that how much wide and mysterious this topic is, I passionately found my self into this field and I got self-motivated to start a research about BCI in my university.



Brain computer interface technology represents a highly growing field of research with application systems. Its contributions in medical fields range from prevention to neuronal rehabilitation for serious injuries. Mind reading and remote communication have their unique fingerprint in numerous fields such as educational, self-regulation, production, marketing, security as well as games and entertainment. It creates a mutual understanding between users and the surrounding systems.

Brain-computer Interfaces (BCI) are devices that can record electrical signals from the brain and translate these signals into outputs to control an external device. The external device might be a small machine, such as a robot, or small computer program. Unlike other technologies that use brain electrodes, BCIs do not involve brain stimulation. They have been developed to record natural brain activity. Mind-control is a term used in the popular press to refer to these BCI technologies.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics

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